So the pendulum has swung back full circle and we now find ourselves in a ‘candidate-led’ market. Whoopee for job applicants, – not so great for hiring companies.

More and more, recruiters are experiencing the curse of the Counter- Offer. The hire is agreed, the terms are settled and start dates discussed.
And then it happens, the call from the candidate to say , actually I’m staying where I am, as my current employer has matched the uplift in salary.

Well, who would blame his current employer? It’s a dam nuisance to lose someone capable and talented and very expensive to go through the whole recruitment process to replace the skills and expertise lost.

But, here’s the thing…candidates aren’t always motivated by money to move. There is often a more substantial reason – not challenged by the role, don’t engage with my boss to name but two reasons. At this time this is typically forgotten or ignored.

A large number of these ” I’m going to stay ” decisions are flawed, and they will be back in 6-9 months , admitting that they forgot the real underlying reason for a job move.

So next time you are counter offered , consider two things – firstly what is the real reason you are moving? and secondly , how insulting is it when your current employer only offers a market-value salary to you , just as you threaten to exit?

Culture and values fit ?…. I don’t think so.

Meanwhile, we will just accept that the current market is stuck with the counter-offer, until that is, the pendulum swings back to favour the employer!