As the virus becomes less of a threat, there has been a subtle shift in the recruitment market. There has been a lot written about mental health issues and rightly so, and, whilst there is no doubt that we have all been shocked by the disease and its effects, – for me, the big learn is how we have been shown to be vulnerable and not in control of our lives to the extent we imagined we were!

During this time, there has though been a noticeable shift in the dynamics of recruiting. To use a current political term – a ‘levelling up’ in the relationship between employer and employee.

Candidates will now want to know about flexible contracts, working 4 days a week, living further from the office (cheaper property), and of course, in what way a potential hiring company cares for their employees !.

So this is a good thing right! Employees are less commoditised and get to choose what sort of company they want to work for and where cultural fit comes to the fore. This is one hopefully long-lasting and key benefit to come out of the the last two years of trauma…. employees will call the shots.

Bring it on.